Managing Conflict in Relationships​

Businesspeople brainstorming with creative ideas

Try these few tips to increase your self-image, gain more confidence and build a more powerful and highly motivated self:

1. Believe That You Are a Unique, Creative, Resourceful and Valuable Person.This is not self-flattery, but the truth – that is what you really are. You were designed for great accomplishments. You have on the inside of you seeds of greatness. It is this understanding of your true-self that is the foundation for all successes.

2. Believe That You Are Not Inferior To Anybody. We are all humans. While our life experiences, opportunities, backgrounds, cultures, levels of education or religious beliefs might vary, at the end of the day, we are all equal at the levels of our existence and humanity. So when you walk, hold your head high as a creative expression of boundless possibilities.

3. Talk a Little Louder. When you talk loud, you radiate confidence. As a result, your nervous system and your brain feel the positive energy and release more energising chemicals that make you feel more confident, happier and powerful.

4. Walk a Little Faster. When you walk, walk like a person of purpose. Let your gait and your speed show that you value your time and are on a mission to fulfil a worthwhile objective. This confidence building act trains your brain to identify your motives with success and productivity, thereby boosting your self-image and increasing your self-confidence.

5. Walk On Your Emotional Recovery Rate. When you are disappointed with things or people, make up your mind to get up on your feet as quickly as possible and move on. This is not to say you should not take time to grieve and come to terms with your ordeal, especially those grieving processes which are legitimate, such as a loss of a job, a loved ones, a favourite pet, valuable possessions, freedom or any form of disability. Take your time to grieve. It is healthy and helpful. But do not slump into the oppression of over-grieving. So you want to move on as quickly as possible to start counting your blessings and focusing on your opportunities. This positive mental attitude of “moving on, in spite of your ordeal” is so powerful that it unleashes your willpower and courage, which then, in time, boost your confidence level.

6. Express Your Views. One of the most powerful ways to force high self-image and liberate your inner confidence is to develop a discipline of sharing your views. Ask questions in a meeting or at the shop. Ask for directions quicker. Also, when you don’t hear what others said to you, ask them to repeat what they have just said. Be comfortable in sharing and seeking clarity. Be a contributor, not spectator. Write down your life experiences, ideas, opinions or observations. Start a blog. You will be stunned with the positive effects this single success discipline will have on your self-image and on your life as a whole.

7. Set Big Goals and Believe You Can Achieve Them. It is said that a man’s self-image is not measured by his status or titles, but by the size of his dreams. The more you believe that you desire the best life has to offer and that you can achieve your goals in life, the bigger you dream. On the other hand, if you do not believe that good things are possible for you, you will not bother setting goals and dreaming big. This is why many never set goals. But here is what happens when you set compelling goals: You activate the success mechanism in your brain, which begins to supply you with the ideas, insights and knowledge that will assist you in accomplishing your goals. As a result, your entire being becomes gravitated towards productivity and a huge sense of purpose and progress. This then have a knock on effect on your self-image. You begin to feel a lot better about yourself. The more progress you make, the more you believe in the possibility of your dreams and the more you see your confidence and self-esteem accelerate.

8. Commit to Daily Affirmation. This is one of the most important disciplines of success, after goal setting. It is a powerful confidence building exercise. Affirmation is when you write down all that you desire in your future and verbalise them regularly, as though you already have them. They are sets of positive statements that you declare to yourself daily until your subconscious mind accepts them as real and turns them into your new mental blueprints. If you desire is to be more confident and bold, your daily affirmations should include a statement such as: “I am highly confident, with great self-image and I energise others with my positive energy,” or ” I am a goal-getter, and I see possibilities in impossibilities and have a tremendous amount of energy to ask and go for what I want and persist until I get them.” I have never known or read about any successful man and woman who does not have a great habit of daily positive affirmation. Great achievers create their daily experiences by declaring them first before they begin their day.

9. Embrace Positive Visualisation. Uncommon accomplishers create their desired future by visualising it. They daily tap into their power of imagination and visualise their goals in their completed states. They flood their mind with pictures of possibilities, opportunities, peace, happiness, great relationships, sound health and abundance, even before they ever experience any of those things. Why? Because they understand that your life will always move in the direction of your dominant vision. You become what you envision most of the time. Instead of envisioning bad luck, disappointments, sickness, betrayal, rejections, failures and shame, they picture themselves as already living their dream future, and as a result, there is a surge in their self-image and confidence. They walk confidently, and talk with great assurance. They behave and carry themselves as if they are enjoying something. And it is just a matter of time before they create in the physical plane the exact visions they have been nursing in their minds. This is a secret to a life extra ordinary. It is faith in action.

10. See Failures and Setbacks As Springboards to Higher Grounds. Many people reinforce their poor self-image by refusing to try. This is because they interpret failures and setbacks as enemies.they resent how setbacks make them feel. But here is the truth: Failures are simply necessary steps to success. The future you want to create will require many failures and setbacks before it unfolds for you. This is how you gain valuable wisdom, experiences, and above all, a heart of appreciation for success. Remember that unless there is a possibility of failing, success is meaningless.

Therefore, see failures as vital life experiences for greater accomplishments. Lean from them. Extract the wisdom hidden in them. But never be paralysed by them. Regroup and start again to advance in the direction of your goals. As you do, your courage and resilience grow, and so is your self-image.

I hope these ten tips have been helpful to you. If yes, please share this article with others in your circle of friends. It may be exactly what they need to move from where they are to where they desire to be.



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Dr. Merry Rose

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